
Site News
If you would like to help, I'd appreciate your help.
By Dave Whitaker
Jul 16, 2018, 19:51

Bleckley Progress was founded over 12 years ago by myself and my dad, David Whitaker. My dad came up with the idea of us starting an online newspaper because he saw that the future of news was online. He also believed in my abilities.

Neither of us had any illusions of wealth. He sacrificed to fund it because of a belief in me. I worked because though I am not a Cochran resident, I am a Cochran native. My love of the Cochran/Bleckley County community, and desire to ensure that what is happening in the community is covered, has been my motivation to work regardless of the situation.

Since my dad’s untimely passing this past November, I’ve continued to run the site, cover things as best I can. But it’s been difficult. The slow process of getting his estate settled, monthly bills, plus unexpected expenses, have put a financial strain on both myself and my sister April. We’re both struggling to pay bills, I’m struggling without my dad’s income to fall back on. That’s why, I’m doing something I never thought I’d do.

Not asking you to help per se, but telling you the situation, and giving you opportunities to help if you can and wish to do so. For anyone with PayPal, I’ve set up an account. Donations can be sent to If you use Google Pay and would like to donate, money can be sent to

Please understand this is difficult for me to do. I prefer to work and do my job quietly, not wishing to impose on anyone. But with things not going fast enough, and simply trying to maintain some semblance of the life I knew, I don’t know where else to turn. Please also understand this is not meant as any type of drama play or any statement on the status of the site. Once things are settled with the will, I think things will be easier.

Right now though, they’re tough. So, if you wish to help, I’d be grateful for your help. Thanks for your readership and support.

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