
High School Sports
Cheerleaders have another solid day on the mat.
By Dave Whitaker
Jan 23, 2021, 16:04

It was an early morning for BCHS as they traveled to Perry for the Panther Pride Cheer Classic. The early start time was designed to help those with other afternoon commitments make them (IE: region one act play competition.)

The Royals were the first of three AA squads. They received a loud ovation from the family and friends who’d came over. It was a solid overall performance for BC. Good motions, good jumps, all stunt groups stayed up.

There was a hands down in tumbling and part of the pyramid came down early. But that didn’t seem to matter when awards were announced. BCHS won first place by 5.5 points. The degree of difficulty in the routine was cited as a reason why by many.

Squad members with coaches Heather Davis and Kayla Cosette. (Not pictured: Abigail Kirkland, Caroline Pittman.)

Next Saturday will be the first regular season competition held in Cochran, “Battle in the Kingdom” at BCMS. Details will be announced soon.

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