
Community News
New policies, budget passed, at BOE meeting. ***Updated***
By Dave Whitaker
Jun 9, 2021, 18:43

Tuesday night’s monthly board meeting, scheduled to begin at 5:30, started 20 minutes late due to a planned tour by members of the primary school construction site taking longer than expected. But when it began, there many things of note to take place.

As consent items were discussed, it was mentioned that groups doing fundraisers should wait until the board approves their particular fundraiser before beginning it. An amendment to the FY22 calendar was included in consent items passed, changing a planned teacher workday on October 13 to April 1, 2022. That’s the day of prom, the last day before spring break.

Included also in the consent items was renewal of GSBA Property/Casualty Insurance at a rate of $58,905, up slightly from last year’s rate of $57,099. Superintendent Dr. Steve Smith said they were delaying bidding out the coverage until the construction projects were completed. He said he anticipated the premium would be higher once the primary school and athletic renovations were completed as well worldwide disasters which affect coverage.

The board reviewed the latest OAC (Owner, Architect, Contractor) report on the primary school. You can view it by going to

Two new policies were passed by the board. The first was regarding public comment at board meetings. Per a suggestion from members, the policy was amended to remind those speaking to restrict their comments to policy, no individual names should be mentioned.

The other policy involved teacher appeals of their final evaluations, based upon a recent change in state law. You can find info on policies by going to and clicking on F “Policy Updates.”

Approved also was the “Return to School” plan as well as student handbooks, FY22 Code of Conduct, as well as updated attendance protocol. It states to begin the year, all students will begin with face to face learning and no adjustments to schedules.

Some wording of the plan was revised to reflect that all water fountains had been converted into bottle fillers. The leadership sections of the handbooks as well as visitor policy for schools were revised to provide uniformity.

The last thing approved before executive session was the final FY22 budget. It hadn’t changed since approval of the tentative budget last month. Thee were no public comments on the budget.
View the budget by going to

From the executive session- Approved was the resignation and release from his FY21 and FY22 contracts of BCMS teacher, head football coach, and Athletic Director Ray Hardin. Hired as teacher, middle school head football coach, and athletic director (pending release from his contract at Crisp County) was Randolph ‘Fort” Halstead. The athletic staffing plan was also updated to reflect Holly Collins and Kelly Herrington as middle school game squad coaches.

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