
Community News
Many things discussed at BOE meeting.
By Dave Whitaker
May 18, 2022, 18:36

The Bleckley County Board of Education had many things to discuss at Tuesday night’s monthly meeting. Besides members and Superintendent Dr. Steve Smith, member-elect Brandon Keel was also in attendance.

Changes to the student handbooks at the Success Academy (uniforms for students) and Bleckley Elementary (changing the weighing of grades from 65 percent tests, 35 percent homework to 60 and 40 percent) were discussed last month but tabled until this month as is custom.

The board passed all student handbooks as well as the athletic handbook for FY23. According to meeting minutes, Smith said the Code of Conduct would be presented at a later date once the state board of education enacts rules regarding recent legislation passed.

You can find the handbooks, including changes to the Success Academy and elementary school’s, by going to

The FY23 tentative budget was presented. Smith said it contained expenditures not listed in the preliminary budget presented last month. There were no public comments on the budget.

The tentative budget was passed. The final budget will be advertised and voted on at the June 21 regular meeting. There will be a time of public comment on the budget then also.

There were several updates regarding the new primary school construction. Smith said the modular buildings that had been used by Pre-K were scheduled to be removed after the end of school next week.

He said primary school construction continued to be ahead of schedule, adding the contractor and architect had created punch lists to finish open items, and a representative from state fire marshal’s office had began final inspection. Once open items were cleared, he expected them to receive a Certificate of Occupancy.

A community walkthrough and dedication of the Anna Laura Cooper Media Center was tentatively scheduled for July 31 at 4 pm. The dedication of the Memorial Walk at Royal Stadium is scheduled for August 6 at 10 am. The renovated track near the primary school is expected to be open by July 4.

According to minutes, during discussion of consent items, concerns were raised regarding the number of students receiving awards on Honors Day and the number of Honor Graduates. The concern was either standards had been lowered or grade inflation had increased, which can dilute the impact of high achievement.

Smith said he would continue discussion on the matter with the leadership team. As part of the consent items passed, the Board Norms and Protocols first listed last month were passed.

The Board Norms and Protocols can be found at the above link. An updated FY23 Athletic Staffing Plan was passed. Highlights included Haley Holloway (who will be new head softball coach) named girls head soccer coach.

The girls assistant softball coaching listing was changed from William Barham to Kenton Haley (community coach.) Brad Harber was listed as high school boys and girls track coach. Former Lady Royal runner Sarah Green was named a girls assistant coach.

Darius Anderson, hired last month as a teacher, was named as both a football and boys track assistant.

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