
Site News
Update on my health and coverage plans.
By Dave Whitaker
Jul 30, 2023, 23:18

Before I get started, let me say thank you. Thank you if you've prayed for me. Thank you if you visited me while I was in the hospital. Thank you if you sent cards, balloons, or anything else.

As to right now, I am doing better. I am stronger than I was, walking better than I was. However, I am still having to use a cane because I have balance issues. Issues which will be investigated when I have a tilt table test next week.

My back is still giving me grief. I don't know if that pain will ever truly dissipate. In any event, I am planning on trying to resume as many duties as I'm able to when school starts. Home softball games, home football games, I hopefully will attend.

However, my football coverage might take a hit. Because my current plan is to sit in my chair along the sideline and take pictures that are in my area. Because I'm not fast enough to move up and down the sidelines on a cane. And I'm scared of not being able to avoid a player flying out of bounds.

Also, the middle school has several football and softball games scheduled on Wednesdays. In past years, that had been my one rest day during busy weeks. I will try to go to home middle school events on Wednesdays when I am able.

But I ask you to understand that I am still rebuilding my endurance and get tired easily. But know this, I will always try to get results of any event I can't be at. While my health may not allow me to get to everything early on, my commitment to ensuring you know what happened remains unchanged.

No, I don't know when I will be able to walk without a cane, not have dizzy spells. I'm not even sure about covering the football season opener at Dodge unless my mobility improves. But please know I will do whatever I can to cover what I can while I continue to try and get back to some semblance or normalcy.

Thanks for reading and your continued support.

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