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Why the monthly ad rates are going up $5.
By Dave Whitaker
Jul 5, 2024, 19:14

I'm reminded of the opening scene in "The Hunt for Red October" in which the political office says to Sean Connery's character, "It's time." Connery's character, Captain Marko Ramius, agreed, adding "Time indeed."

That describes where I am with monthly ad rates. I've been $30 a month for 19 years. Lots has changed since then. Losing my dad and his financial support, my health problems, not to mention things such as food and gas both much more expensive than in the past.

Today though was the cherry on top as I had an unexpected $400 repair bill for my car. It knocked the business checking account below $1,000. Which means I'll probably get a fee for it being that low.

Even though I'm tempted to send the bill to my special needs trust, I'm reticent to do so. Because it's paying for many personal expenses. And it may get hit again if my mom & I can't figure out how to get homeowners insurance to pay for some work that has to be done on the house.

The bottom line is I need the money. I need help in being able to keep doing what I do. Why haven't I asked the other advertisers who do multiple months at a time for an increase? The best answer I have is because all my monthly advertisers, one person pays the bill, one person approves it.

It's simpler to get an increase if you only have one person to ask. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't be grateful for other help. I would. I could use more advertisers in general. Monthly, quarterly, whatever. I'd appreciate any help.

That's why the donate button hasn't gone away. Because I can always use any help to keep doing what I do. I might get to things slower, move slower because I'm handicapped, but I'm determined to keep going, keep covering the community like I've done full time since 2006.

I run this online newspaper to serve you. If you have thoughts on how I can better do so, please feel free to email or call me. Thanks for reading and for your support.

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