
Site News
Site and coverage news and notes.
By Dave Whitaker
Jul 17, 2024, 16:09

As BCHS will be in a new region, I've began the process of updating the high school directions section. Eventually, it will have directions to schools such as A.C.E. It already has directions to the East Laurens Athletic Complex.

As it's summer, content has been slow. For that, I am sorry. I also missed content last night. FCA held an event with participants in this week's high school football camp last night. I didn't remember it until the last minute and didn't feel like sitting in the heat to get pictures of something I'd covered before. For that, I am sorry.

I try to avoid redundant coverage as much as possible. For example, though covering Vacation Bible Schools is a summer tradition, I make a point to try to go to different themes, or at the very least, different nights of churches doing the same theme, so I can have different pictures.

The reason why I didn't cover the Bingo night Monday was to avoid redundant coverage since I did it last month. I do plan on going to the Scavenger Hunt Friday night. Unfortunately, Saturday appears to be empty.

As to next weekend, there are several things happening July 27. I don't know what I'll be able to get to, but I promise to put fourth the effort to cover what I can. As to the upcoming Prayer Walk, given how Saturday is busy plus my ongoing mobility issues, I am hoping to get contributed pictures.

Speaking of mobility, I continue to struggle with mine. Though I am going to doctors and taking medications, I've come to the possibility that me using a cane could become permanent. If it does, it will mean that I'll have to cover football from my chair.

But I will do it and will continue to do my best to cover the community. The purpose of this online newspaper has never been about me, but to serve the community.

Thanks for your continued readership and support.

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