
Community News
News from a short Board of Education meeting.
By Dave Whitaker
Jul 22, 2024, 22:55

The Bleckley County Board of Education held what was a short meeting July 18. It was presided over by Vice Chair Amy Williams. Dianne Lester, Brandon Keel, and Superintendent Dr. Trey Belflower were also in attendance.

Most of the items voted on in the regular session were part of the consent items. Besides the normal fundraisers and field trip requests, there was also an update to the Bleckley Primary handbook which stated that students who had a past due child care balance wouldn’t be allowed to go on field trips.

There was also discussion led by Belflower regarding the GSBA Board Awards and GSBA Governance Team self-assessment as well as application for the Exemplary Board Award.. The External Assessment of the Governance Team was done by assistant superintendent Lara Rowland, tax commissioner Paige Baggs, and Chamber of Commerce president Melissa Barker.

Belflower showed some of the positive comments made by the External Team. Comments were very praiseworthy with everyone getting the highest ratings. Once board members sign the assessment documents, Belflower will send them to the GSBA and state Department of Education.

The FY25 Parent and Family Engagement pan was also part of the consent items. Examples of it were given such as “Royal University” being done at the high school and the upcoming third grade parent orientation at Bleckley Elementary. To read more about the consent items, go to and click on “A.”

The only things of note from the executive session were board approval for former Lady Royals head coach Teresa Gray to offer softball lessons and BCHS girls tennis coach Abbey Belflower to offer tennis lessons. Meeting minutes state the meeting was dismissed at 7 pm.

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