
Community News
Honoring the band, and their special leader.
By Dave Whitaker
Apr 28, 2012, 23:56

Fried chicken, rolls, macaroni and cheese, were some of the items for dinner.

It came as little surprise that retiring BCHS band director Louis Foster encouraged his students to "be passionate in what you do" during his closing remarks at Saturday's band awards banquet. Whenever he spoke during the evening, you could hear the passion, the love, the pride, he felt during his five-year term as director.

The BCHS Jazz Ensemble provided post-dinner entertainment. They'll be part of the band's spring concert May 17.

Before Foster spoke about the season in a section of the program entitled "Braggin" he introduced the man who would replace him next fall, Scott Matthews. Matthews spoke briefly about how excited he was. He called Foster "a legend among band directors."

Junior Charlie Wilson with his T-shirt.

Foster briefly touched on the highlights of both the BCHS and BCMS bands listed in the program. One thing he was especially proud of the six straight superiors the concert band received in Large Group Performance evaulations. Foster spoke of how judges praised every aspect of the band's performance this year.

Senior Dazzler Sanna Gough with cordinator Emily Raley.

Of course he was proud of all the awards. He had senior Ronald Leek hold up the shirt students would be receiving.

Band Outstanding Rooike Cassidy Fountain.

On the front it said "Bleckley County Schools. Superior Schools, Superior Students" on each side. The largest letters said "Superior Band." On the back, the accomplishments of this year, including the overall superior rating received by the Marching Band at the Heart of Georgia Band Festvial were listed.

Senior Colby Newman was accompnied by some of his bandmates as he accepted his rookie award.

Guests were then treated to the marching band's Heart Of Ga performance then a photo slideshow of the season. The slideshow, set to music from this year's marching band performance selection "Jersey Boys" was dedicated to Foster. He would receive the first of two standing ovations.

Dazzler Rookie Of The Year Emily Dyal.

All the band members (middle school students who performed with BCHS band) and high school members through juniors were announced. Besides T-shirts, those who made all-district or other bands were given medals.

South Georgia Regional Honor Band members Krissy Troili Miranda Burroughs, Hanna DeLoach, Amber Burton.

He said time restraints prevented him from sharing anecdotes aout all of them. When it was time to introduce the seniors, Foster had praise for the group and their leadership skills.

Kaitlan Allen with her Patrick S. Gilmore award.

He spoke of how they took control and made it "their band." He said next year's senior class would need to do the same. Senior band members received plaques. Specific awards were then presented. Two first time band members recieved Outstanding Rookie Awards. They were Cassidy Fountain and senior Colby Newman.

Tyler Davidson was a co-recipient of the Patrick. S. Gilmore award.

Emily Dyal received the Rookie Of The Year Dazzler award. District and south Georgia honor band members were recognized. Foster pointed out that a group of this year's senior class had received superior for concert band each year they'd peformed. Foster said he allowd band members to vote on the next two awards.

Phillip Odom with his Director's Award.

Unless he totally disagreed with the choice, their selections would stand. Kaitlan Allen and Tyler Davidson were co-winners of the Patrick S. Gimore Band Award. Matthew White and Phillip Odom were presented with Director's Outstanding Service Awards. Justin Bates was named the John Phillip Sousa Award winner. Foster said all the students were award worthy.

John Phillip Sousa Award winner Justin Bates.

Plaques of appreciation were presented to Dazzler director Emily Railey, percussion leader Miguel Castro, and outgoing booster club president Angie Boston. Foster would thank both school superintendent Dr. Charlotte Pipkin and current assistant superintendent (Interim BCHS principal for the first half of the year) Richard Smith for their support.

Of Percussion Director Miguel Castro, Louis Foster called him "a brother."

He encouraged the students to be passionate in whatever they did. He encouraged them to find a higher power to believe in and to find the ability to love, noting how he would often say how he loved them. Foster encouraged the audience to support Matthews and the band in the future. He challenged next year's senior class to raise the bar of success set by this year's class.

Louis Foster gets a hug after being presented with a retirement gift on behalf of himself and Dazzler cordinator Emily Raley.

Of course, this being his final banquet, Foster had more gifts to recieve. An IPad from the band boosters, a trip for himself and wife Wilene to see Jerky Boys at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta from the senior class, and a retirement gift presented by Raley and dazzler assistant cordinator Antonio Simmons.

This slide sums up the feelings of both senior and underclassmen band members.

Congratuatlions to Louis Foster on a great career and to this year's band on their many outstanding achievements.

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