
Community News
Bleckley FFA holds Degree Ceremony.
By Dave Whitaker
Feb 26, 2015, 23:27

Danny Bennett spoke about the FFA Alumni Association and the ways they support FFA.

A special meeting of the Bleckley FFA was held Thursday evening in the high school auditorium. It was attened by middle and high school members, officers, advisors, families, and other guests.

Discovery Degree recipients.

This meeting was present certifictes to FFA members who had earner their discovery, greenhand, and chapter degrees. It was handled by the officers and included usual procedures at FFA meetings including explanation of each officer's position and a welcoming of guests.

A large group got their Greenhand Degree.

Advisor Walt Parks and President John Austin Stewart spoke briefly before the discovery and chapter deggrees were presented, describing the significance of the pin that came with the certificate and an encouragement to keep working (IE: discovery degree recipients earning their greenhand degree.)

Chapter Degree recipients.

Those who received state degrees at last spring's state FFA meeting were recognized. After no other business was presented, the meeting closed with reciting of the Pledge of Alliegance and refreshments in the lobby. Congratulations to all the degree recipients.

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