
A strong showing at relay.
By Dave Whitaker
Apr 25, 2015, 21:46

Brantley family cousins pose while enjoying some dinner.

While Cochran and Bleckley County has many things that make it unique, the people here share something with cities and towns all across America. They have been affected by cancer.

MGA GAMES hosted a fishing game.

Ranny Cannon, Tara Raffield are just two of many people in Cochran who are fighting the disease. Allen Brantely, local gospel musician and longtime Comsouth employee, lost his battle with cancer recently.

Children enjoyed this velcro race.

So for many, it probably felt good to be at a busy track Friday night for this year's Relay For Life. Relay For Life is the annual community event sponsored by the American Cancer Society that raises funds for cancer research.

Duke the MGA mascot was out to mingle with the crowd.

This year's event was back in a familiar location, the old high school track. Eleven teams participated. Highlights of a busy evening included a dedication in memory of Allen Brantley (his family members were present), the luminary ceremony, children enjoying a bounce house and other inflatables, as well as a set by local band, the Brad Sanders Approach.

Though this was supposed to be a Soul Train dance line, some decided to show off their tumbling skills.

There was fun with a hula hoop and dance contest. There was a time to remember as people walked the track silently during the luminary ceremony. The time to fight back came via the money raised. Bleckley County High School raised $1,100. Middle Georgia State students who ran the inflatables raised $567. Sodexo raised $550.

Despite Taylor Dykes' pleading, sister Lauren pushes the target sending Taylor into the dunk tank.

Event chair Lauren Gibbs said in an email that the total raised was $6,515.56. She expressed thanks to everyone who was a part of this year's event. Cancer may be a reality in Bleckley County, but Friday's relay demonstrates that there are people who want to win the fight against it.

The disco lighting made for good dancing.

Event chair Lauren Gibbs reads during the luminary ceremony.

People try their luck in the hula hoop contest.

The Brad Sanders Approach is a band made up of BCHS students. They donated $5 from every T-Shirt sale to cancer research.

Messages to loved ones were sent via balloons.

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