
Community News
Middle Georgia State becomes a University.
By Dave Whitaker
Jul 1, 2015, 15:50

On March 18, the Board of Regents approved Middle Georgia State College's ascension to university status. July 1 was the day it became official.

The university is keeping celebrations relatively low key saving most of the activities for fall when more new and returning students will be on campus.

Said President Dr. Christopher Blake in a release “While we will celebrate in a variety of creative ways come fall, we wanted to mark July 1 and the week after in a special way. We are making history."

Receptions on all five campuses will be held during July 6. Among the celebrations and milestones that will be held during fall are the first Homecoming and first freshmen convocation.

Blake said university status will strengthen Middle Georgia State's ability to build distinctive signature programs at each of the university's five campuses.

"We will give the areas where we are located reason to engage with us," Blake said, "whether by rooting for our Middle Georgia State Knights, allowing us to create pathways for the professional development of employees, supporting the Middle Georgia State Foundation, offering our students internships, hiring our graduates or partnering with us on addressing the challenges our communities face."

Shortly after university status was approved, a 12-member transition team made up of representatives from all five campuses. They are looking at priorities, funding and activities to support Middle Georgia State's first full year as a university.

A "University College" will be created on the Cochran campus, to target resources and support services for the benefit of students who may not meet state university requirements but show academic promise. The move will honor the traditional “access” missions of the university’s predecessor institutions.

To learn more about Middle Georgia State University, visit

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