
Community News
Local entrepreneur speaks to Business, FBLA, classes.
By News release.
Oct 21, 2016, 16:45

Board of Education member Derek Befllower was a guest speaker for BCHS Business Classes and FBLA Friday afternoon. Belflower, who is employed as an illustrator at Robins Air Force Base also owns Possum Pottery.

Belflower spoke about his educational history, the various career pathways he has experienced over the past 20 plus years and the transitions and skills needed for each of those career pathways. Once he transitioned into a field that tapped into his creative juices, Belflower was encouraged by wife Ella Ruth to take a pottery class at Middle Georgia College.

A sample of the face jugs Belflower makes. They are his focus because of a desire to pay homage to historical art.

It was that class where he developed his love for pottery as well as honing his pottery talents that have molded into what is now Possum Pottery. Beflower now travels the state attending festivals to share his artwork with others.

As an entrepreneur, he was able to share with students thoughts on things like supply and demand, target audience, advertising, marketing and the like when starting and developing your own business. To learn more about Possum Pottery, visit

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