
Community News
Variety was the spice of this One Act show.
By Dave Whitaker
Dec 9, 2016, 01:08

One Act Shows always open with "Carol of the Bells."

The curtain officially closed on this year's One Act Play cast with the annual Christmas Variety Show. It was a true variety show ranging from the serious (MaKenzie Leatherwood's rendition of "Christmas Shoes") to the silly (Lizzie Parks and others performing longtime Hee Haw cast member Archie Campbell's "The Christ Before Nightmas.")

Tori Little and Noah Shedd sang another classic, "Silent Night."

There were classic hymns such as "O Holy Night" sang by Rebecca Howell and Noah Shedd and JonHolland Jones' rendition of "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear." Hope Thompson sang the ever popular 'Walking In A Winter Wonderland."

Jetta Hathaway, Darci Maxwell, and Katlyn Sanders sang "Little Drummer Boy."

Dylan Bowen and Carrie Gilbert were speaking the truth as they sang "Baby It's Cold Outside." Freshman Anna Brown wowed the audience with her performance of "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas."

As an ode to their freshmen year when they performed the musical "Annie", this year's senior class sang "It's a hard knock life" from the show.

Per tradition, the final song was "Peace On Earth." Though the show was wrong, audience members didn't seem to mind. Because they got a variety of entertainment.

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