Bleckley Progress Classifieds
Sell Your Item

Would you like to see your items listed for sale on The Bleckley Progress? It's easy! Ads from individuals are free, and business ads are only $5/month! Here's how to place an ad:

  1. Email or call (478)230-6556. If no one answers, feel free to leave your ad. It will be posted ASAP.
  2. In either case, include a brief but specific description of the item and price. You MUST include contact information, either a phone number or e-mail address.
  3. You may submit pictures via e-mail to go with any listing. However, these pictures should not be over 90 kb each and the picture limit is nine.
  4. Unless we are contacted otherwise, adds will be deleted after two weeks.


Note: assumes no responsibility for the validity of any ad. All transactions resulting from ads are the responsibility of the respective individuals

Bleckley Progress

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