L-R- Dr. Trey Belflower, Dr. Jenna Maddox, Chara Keel, Erica Mimbs. |
It was a very busy monthly meeting for the Bleckley County Board of Education held Tuesday night in the high school auditorium. There was lots of special recognition and items of note also.
L-R: Jed Evans, Angie Boston, Joy Sumner, Selena Smith, Dr. Trey Belflower. (Note I could have the support person & teacher backwards.) |
Several groups of employees were recognized. First off was teacher and support personnel for each school. Each was given a gift from Jed Evans with State Bank of Cochran and also a Dairy Queen gift card. Bleckley Primary- Teacher of the Year, Erica Mimbs. Support Person of the Year, Chara Keel. Bleckley Elementary- Teacher of the Year, Joy Sumner. Support Person of the Year, Selena Smith.
L-R: Evans, Liz Dykes, Stephane Smith, Lora Grimsley, Belfower. |
Bleckley County Middle School- Teacher of the Year, Stephanie Smith. Support Person of the Year, Lora Grimsley. Bleckley County High School- Techer of the Year, Chong Cairney. Support Person of the Year, Jennifer Edwards. Bleckley County Success Academy- Teacher of the Year, Dana Bell. Support Person of the Year, Val Arnold Silva. Special Education Teacher of the Year- Keli Lassiter.
Evans, Dr. Brad Knox, Jennifer Edwards, Chong Cairney, Belfower. |
Kelli Green recognized Penny Cochran as Nutritional Employee of the Year. Stan Thompson recognized Wendy Phillips as Bus Driver of the Year and Rosa Williams as Bus Aide of the Year.
Evans, Stephanie Vickers, Val Arnold Silva, Dana Bell, Belflower. |
Shelly Cranford was recognized for being named the GHSA/NFHS Cross Country Coach of the Year. Jenna Maddox (Bleckley Primary), Angie Boston (Bleckley Elementary) and Liz Dykes (Bleckley County Middle School) were presented with signs to display as three were named Title 1 Distinguished schools.
Evans, Dr. Cindy Felkins, Kelli Lassiter, Belflower. |
Recognized next were BCMS Junor Beta Club winners, BCHS Beta Club winners, Bea Club Large Group state champions/solo, duo, trio champions as well as the show choir champions. All students recognized received a gift card.
Evans, Kelli Green, Penny Cochran, Belflower. |
Among the consent items approved was the FY25-26 calendar (see below.) Board officer positions were voted on. Shanna Evans was named board chair, Brandon Keel vice chair. David Rojas was named legislative liaison.
There were some things of note to come from the executive session. Approved was the resignation of board member Diane Lester, effective the January 28 meeting. BCHS teacher and football assistant coach Scott Pagano resigned, pending approval from Thomas County Central. The resignation due to retirement of former coach and current Driver’s Education instructor Jenny Manning was approved, effective at the end of the school year.
Evans, Kelli Green, Penny Cochran, Belflower. |
Evans , Stan Thompson, Rose Williams, Belflower. (Not pictured Wendy Phillips.) |
Shelly Cranford and Dr. Trey Belflower. |
Dr. Cindy Felkins, Liz Dykes (BCMS Principal), Angie Boston (BCES Principal), Dr. Jenna Maddox (BCPS Principal), Dr. Trey Belflower. |
Beflower and BCMS Beta Club Sponsor Melanie Cravey with first place finishers (not all pictured.) |
Beflower with Angela Jones and Hillary Cranford with BCHS Beta Club first place finishers (not all pictured.) |
Kelli Greer, Vicki Speck, and Beflower with Beta Club large group and trio winners (not all picturedl.) |
Beta Club Show Choir (not all pictured.) |
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